European projects
SINTERCER — Development of a sintering centre and know-how exchange for non-equilibrium sintering methods of advanced ceramic composite materials
7th Framework Programme EU-Research Potential – Capacities – FP7 – REGPOT-CT-2013-316232-SINTERCER
The Institute of Advanced Manufacturing Technology (IOS, Krakow, Poland)
Total funding: 2.045.559 Euros (42 months)
FCT projects
Title: Aplicação do Processo de Estampagem Incremental em ambiente industrial: Exequível ou não?
FCT projects in progress
“Development of isogeometric (IGA) formulations for the numerical simulation of plastic forming processes”
Proposing organization: University of Aveiro
Principal researcher: Robertt Valente
“Experimental and numerical simulation analysis in the optimisation of warm forming of lightweight advanced sheet materials”
Proposing organization: University of Coimbra
Principal researcher (University of Aveiro): Alexandre Pinho da Cruz
“Numerical simulation and automatic design of multi-step sheet metal forming processes”
Proposing organization: University of Aveiro
Principal researcher: A. Gil Andrade-Campos
>more on this
“Thermomechanical and metallurgical analysis of heat treatments of multiphase steels with hierarchical multiscale numerical techniques”
Proposing organization: University of Aveiro
Principal researcher: A. Gil Andrade-Campos
>more on this
“Characterization of the constitutive behavior of metal sheets from a single multi-path experimental test by inverse analysis”
Proposing organization: University of Coimbra
Principal researcher (University of Aveiro): Alexandre Pinho da Cruz
“Numerical simulation of dual-phase steel sheet forming: multi-scale constitutive models and prediction of defects in automotive parts”
Proposing organization: University of Aveiro
Principal researcher: Robertt Valente
“Numerical simulation and design of extruded integrally stiffened panels (ISP) joined by friction stir welding (FSW) for aeronautic applications”
Proposing organization: University of Aveiro
Principal researcher: Robertt Valente
“Head protection systems: New solutions based on the use of alternative materials and advanced injury criteria”
Proposing organization: University of Aveiro
Principal researcher: Ricardo Sousa
“Innovative techniques and efficient strategies for numerical modelling and experimental analysis of symmetrical and asymmetrical incremental sheet forming processes”
Proposing organization: University of Aveiro
Principal researcher: Ricardo Sousa
“RapidPRE-Rapid Prototyping by Reactive Extrusion: A New concept for rapid manufacturing process”
Proposing organization: Instituto Politécnico de Leiria
Principal researcher (University of Aveiro): Mónica Oliveira
“Towards the understanding of nanofluid multi-physics and its applications”
Proposing organization: University of Aveiro
Principal researcher: Mónica Oliveira
> Cooperation projects
“Optimizac?ão de ferramentas moldantes para o fabrico de espumas ultraleves de ligas de alumínio”
Enterprise: MJAmaral (Vale de Cambra), Vale Inovac?ão (AAC no 19025) do Sistema de Incentivos à Qualificac?ão e Internacionalizac?ão de PME do QREN
“Desenvolvimento de ferramentas numéricas e algoritmos para optimizac?ão energética de sistemas de abastecimento de água”
Enterprise: Telesensor, Lda., Projecto QREN (ref. 23699)
“Optimization of structural elements of thin metal sheet”
Enterprise: Kind S.A. (Pre-Build Group)