- Selected Publications
Books and book chapters
Robertt A.F. Valente, Ricardo J. Alves de Sousa, António Andrade-Campos, Raquel de-Carvalho, Marisa P. Henriques, José I.V. Sena, João F. Caseiro, Developments in Finite Element Technology and Optimization Formulations for Sheet Metal Forming, Computational Methods for Optimizing Manufacturing Technology: Models and Techniques, J. Paulo Davim (Ed.) ISI Global ISBN: 978-1-4666-0128-4, pp.291-322, 2012. (DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-0128-4.ch012).
A. Andrade-Campos, N. Lopes, R.A.F. Valente, H. Varum (Editors), Proceedings of First ECCOMAS Young Investigators Conference on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences – YIC2012 – Universidade de Aveiro, 24–27 April 2012, Aveiro. Portugal. ISBN: 978-972-99784-2-5, 2012.
Publication in journals
R. de-Carvalho, S. Silva, R.A.F. Valente and A. Andrade-Campos, Blank optimization in a stamping process—Influence of the geometry definition, Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 61:75–84, doi:10.1016/j.finel.2012.06.009, 2012.
J. Coër, P.Y. Manach, H. Laurent, L.F. Menezes, M.C. Oliveira, Piobert-Lüders plateau and Portevin-Le Chatelier effect in an Al-Mg alloy in simple shear, Accepted to be published in Mechanics Research Communications.
H. Aguir, J.L. Alves, M.C. Oliveira, L.F. Menezes, H. BelHadjSalah, Cazacu and Barlat criterion identification using the cylindrical cup deep drawing test and the coupled artificial neural networks–genetic algorithm method, Key Engineering Materials, 504-506, 637-642, doi: 10.4028/www.scientific.net/KEM.504-506.637, 2012 (vide R1.12.pdf).
P.D. Barros, M.C. Oliveira, J.L. Alves, L.F. Menezes, Pre-Strain Effect on Springback of 2-D Draw Bending, Submitted to be published in International Journal of Materials Engineering Innovation (vide P.DBarros IJMatIE.pdf).
D.M. Neto, M.C. Oliveira, J.L. Alves, L.F. Menezes, Comparing faceted and smoothed tool surface descriptions in sheet metal forming simulation, International Journal of Materials Forming, in press.
P.D. Barros, M.C. Oliveira, J.L. Alves, L.F. Menezes, Pre-Strain Effect on Springback of 2-D Draw Bending, International Journal of Materials Engineering Innovation, 4, 2, 187-211, doi: 10.1504/IJMATEI.2013.054395, 2013.
P.D. Barros, M.C. Oliveira, J.L. Alves and L.F. Menezes, Earing prediction in drawing and ironing processes using an advanced yield criterion, Key Engineering Materials, Vols. 554-557, 2266-2276, doi: 10.4028/www.scientific.net/KEM.554-557.2266, 2013.
E. Ferreira, J. Pinho-da-Cruz, A. Andrade-Campos, Development of an optimized loading path for material parameters identification, Key Engineering Materials 554-557:2200-2211, doi:10.4028/www.scientific.net/KEM.557-557.2200, 2013.
Publications in conferences
R. de-Carvalho, A. Andrade-Campos, R.A.F. Valente, Defining analytical rigid curves and surfaces in tool optimization problems, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Engineering Optimization (EngOpt2012) – Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 1-5 July, 2012.
R. de-Carvalho, A. Andrade-Campos, R.A.F. Valente, Defining analytical rigid curves/surfaces in tool optimization problems, Proceedings of the 1st ECCOMAS Young Investigators Conference – YIC2012, p. 29/CD-ROM (artº paper_52) Aveiro, April 24-27, 2012.
Pedro Teixeira, A. Andrade-Campos, Abel Santos, Francisco Pires and José César de Sá, Optimization strategies for springback compensation in sheet metal forming, Proceedings of the 1st ECCOMAS Young Investigators Conference – YIC2012, p. 77/CD-ROM (artº paper_128) Aveiro, April 24-27, 2012.
P.D. Barros, J.L. Alves, M.C. Oliveira, L.F. Menezes, Earing evolution during drawing and ironing processes, WCCM 2012, 10th World Congress on Computational Mechanics, P.M. Pimenta, E.M.B Campello (Eds.), ISBN 978-85-86686-69-2, p. 304, (CD-ROM pp. 20), 2012 (vide C7.12.pdf).
P.D. Barros, M.C. Oliveira, J.L. Alves and L.F. Menezes, Pre-Strain Effect on Springback of 2-D Draw Bending, YIC 2012, First ECCOMAS Young Investigators Conference on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences, A. Andrade-Campos, N. Lopes, R.A.F. Valente, H. Varum (Eds.), ISBN: 978-972-99784-2-5, p. 135, (USB flash drive – pp. 14), 2012 (vide C5.12.pdf).
P.D. Barros, V.M. Simões, D.M. Neto, M.C. Oliveira, J.L. Alves, L.F. Menezes, On the Influence of the Yield Parameters Identification Procedure in Cylindrical Cups Earing Prediction, Numisheet 2014, The 9th Internacional Conference and Workshop on Numerical Simulation of 3D Sheet Metal Forming Processes, American Institute of Physics Conference Proceedings, 1567, 512-515, doi: 10.1063/1.4850024, 2013.
D.M. Neto, M.C. Oliveira, L.F. Menezes, J.L. Alves, S. Thuillier, The Effect of the Yield Criteria on the Two-stage Deep Drawing Process Simulation, CMN 2013, Congreso de MétodosNuméricos en Ingeniería, J.M. Blanco, I. Arias,A. Peña, J.M. Guedes, N. Silvestre, M. Silva (Eds.), p. 44 (CD-ROM pp. 19), 2013.
P.D. Barros, M.C. Oliveira, J.L. Alves, L.F. Menezes, Influence of the Yield Parameters Identification Procedure in Earing Prediction, CMN 2013, Congreso de MétodosNuméricos en Ingeniería, J.M. Blanco, I. Arias,A. Peña, J.M. Guedes, N. Silvestre, M. Silva (Eds.), p. 44 (CD-ROM pp. 20), 2013.
E. Ferreira, J. Pinho-da-Cruz, A. Andrade-Campos, Quantification of the loading path information for material parameter identification, Proceedings of the Workshop MMNSEA’13 – “Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Simulation for Engineering Applications”, Braga, Portugal, 13 September, 2013.
N. Souto, A. Andrade-Campos, S. Thuillier, Mechanical behavior of mild steel up to rupture: characterization and validation, Proceedings of the 2nd ECCOMAS Young Investigators Conference (YIC 2013), Bordeaux, France, CD-ROM (artº paper hal-00855887 ), 2013.
A. Andrade-Campos, Numerical methodologies for sheet metal forming inverse problems, Proceedings of the 2nd ECCOMAS Young Investigators Conference (YIC 2013), Bordeaux, France, CD-ROM (artº paper hal-00855896 ), 2013.
R. De-Carvalho, A. Andrade-Campos, R.A.F. Valente, Inverse Shape Optimization of a Forging Process, Proceedings of the 12th U.S. National Congress on Computational Mechanics (USNCCM21), Raleigh, North Carolina, 22-25 July, 2013.
A. Andrade-Campos, R. de-Carvalho, On the influence of the numerical strategies and experimental tests in parameter identification processes of metal forming constitutive models, Proceedings of the Congress on Numerical Methods in Engineering 2013, Bilbao, 25-28 June, 2013.
Organization of seminars and conferences
ECCOMAS Young Investigators Conference – YIC2012 – Universidade de Aveiro, 24–27 April 2012, Aveiro. Chairmen: A. Andrade-Campos, N. Lopes
Raquel Cristina Soares de Carvalho e Silva; PhDThesis, Development of numerical methodologies for parameter identification and shape optimization in metal forming simulations, Universidade de Aveiro, A. Andrade-Campos (supervisor), R.A.F. Valente (supervisor), Presented at 21st December 2012.