-Carbon nanofluids
-Heat transfer
- 2003 – 2010: MSc Degree, Integrated Master in Mechanical Engineering, University of Aveiro, Portugal. With the dissertation “Characterization of the thermal-physical properties of Nanofluids ”(grade: 18/20), under the coordination of Prof. Monica Oliveira.
- Since March 2011: PhD student in Climate changes and energetic systems with a thesis entitled “Rheological characterization and modelling of CNT nanofluids”, grant by the National Science Foundation, Portugal, with reference SFRH/BD/95356/2013.
- Fev 2012 – May 2014: Research fellow
Research scholar, grant by the National Science Foundation, Portugal, entitled “Towards the understanding of nanofluid multi-physics and its applications”, PTDC/EME-MFE/119572/2010.
- Fev 2010 – Jan 2012: Research fellow
Research scholar, grant by the National Science Foundation, Portugal, entitled “RapidPre – Rapid Prototyping by Reactive Extrusion: a new concept for rapid manufacturing process”, PTDC/EME-TME/104178/2008.
- Jan 2010 – Agu 2010: Research fellow
Research scholar, grant by the national science foundation, portugal, entitled “Studies on heat transfer characteristics of nanofluids under horizontal, vertical and inclined flow conditions” reference: ptdc/eme-mfe/66482/2006.
- Jan 2012 – Out 2012: Tutor of trainees in the project “GALP 20-20-20”, financed by GALP Energia.
PTDC/EME-MFE/119572/2010, Towards the understanding of nanofluid multi-physics and its applications, start: 01/09/2011, finish: 31/08/2015.
PTDC/EME-TME/104178/2008, RapidPRE-Rapid prototyping by reactive extrusion: a new concept for rapid manufacturing, start: 01/04/2010, finish: 31/03/2013.
PTDC/EME-MFE/66482/2006, “Studies on heat transfer characteristics of nanofluids under horizontal, vertical and inclined flow conditions”, finish in 31/02/2011.
- Carbon Nanotubes in a Fluidic Medium: Critical Analysis, Physical and Chemical Properties of Carbon Nanotubes, Dr. Satoru Suzuki (Ed.), Maria Alexandra Fonseca, Sylvio Freitas, Bruno Lamas, Bruno Abreu, Hugo Calisto, Nelson Martins and Mónica Oliveira (2013), ISBN: 978-953-51-1002-6, InTech, DOI: 10.5772/51965.
Articles in International Journals
- “On the assessment of viscosity variability by nanofluid engineering: A Review”, Bruno Abreu, André Válega, Bruno Lamas, A. Fonseca, N. Martins, M.S.A. Oliveira, Journal of nanofluids , May 2015 (submitted).
- “Nanotechnology – towards real improvements in the energy efficiency of bluidings”, Bruno Lamas, Bruno Abreu, Alexandra Fonseca, Nelson Martins and Mónica Oliveira, Nano Magazine, issue 28, February 2014, pp 37.
- “Critical analysis of the thermal conductivity models for CNT based nanofluids”, Bruno Lamas, Bruno Abreu, Alexandra Fonseca, Nelson Martins and Mónica Oliveira, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 78 (2014) 65-76.
- “Long term MWCNTs nanofluids towards heat transfer capability improvement”, Bruno Lamas, Bruno Abreu, Alexandra Fonseca, Nelson Martins and Mónica Oliveira, The Journal of Physical Chemistry, 117 (2013) 12826-12834.
- “Shape memory polyurethanes reinforced with carbon nanotubes”, M.A. Fonseca, B. Abreu, F.A.M.M. Gonçalves, A.G.M. Ferreiras, R.A.S. Moreira and M.S.A. Oliveira, Composite Structures, vol. 99 (2013) 105-111.
- “Numerical analysis of percolation formation in carbon nanotube based nanofluids”, Bruno Lamas, Bruno Abreu, Alexandra Fonseca, Nelson Martins and Mónica Oliveira, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 95 (2013) 257-270.
- “Assessing colloidal stability of long term MWCNT based nanofluids”, Bruno Lamas, Bruno Abreu, Alexandra Fonseca, Nelson Martins and Mónica Oliveira, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 381 (2012) 17-23.
- “Experimental characterization of convective heat transfer with MWCNT nanofluids under laminar flow conditions”, Bruno Abreu; Bruno Lamas; A. Fonseca; N. Martins; M.S.A. Oliveira, Heat and Mass Transfer, 2013 .
- Utilização de redes de Bragg em fibras óticas para caracterização da memória de forma de poliuretanos reforçados com nanotubos de carbono, Alexandra Fonseca, N. Alberto, B. Silva, V.F. Neto, R. Nogueira, M.S.A. Oliveira, R.A.S. Moreira CNME2014, Universidade de Aveiro, Aveiro, 15-17 Outubro 2014.
- Breaching CNT nanofluids thermal conductivity modelling uncertainties, Lamas, B. Abreu, A. Fonseca, N. Martins and M. Oliveira THERMAM 2014, Boyalik Beach Hotel, Cesme – Izmir, Turkey, 12-15 June 2014.
- A dielectric characterization of conducting polyurethanes reinforced with carbon nanotubes for active control applications, Fonseca, B. Silva, B. Lamas, L.C. Costa, M.P. Graça, R.A.S. Moreira and M.S.A. Oliveira, Euro Intelligent Materials, Kiel, Germany, 25-27 September 2013.
- Shape memory polyurethanes reinforced with carbon nanotubes: synthesis and characterization, M.A. Fonseca, B. Abreu, F.A.M.M. Gonçalves, A.G.M. Ferreira, R.A.S. Moreira and M.S.A. Oliveira, International conference on mechanics of nano, micro and macro composites structures, Torino, Italy, 18-20 June 2012.
- Achieving enhanced materials through the addition of functionalized nanoparticles, Maria Alexandra Fonseca, Bruno Lamas, Bruno Silva, Rui Moreira, Nelson Martins and Mónica Oliveira, Research Day 2014, 3 June 2014, Universiy of Aveiro, Portugal