The scientific activity began in 1995 with the preparatory work leading to the award of a Doctor Degree. The latter was awarded with research dealing with air assisted atomised water spray systems used to control cooling rates of high temperature forgings. Further insight has been given to this particular process during a postdoctoral FCT grant fellowship, by developing a predictive model of the process through neural networks.
In the last few years, an important emphasis has been put in issues related to the development and processing of polymeric materials. It should however stand out that the research intervention and interest lies on both experimental and numeric level and on problems related with heat transfer, fluid mechanics and materials science.
- 1999 – Doctor of Philosophy in Mechanical Engineering, School of Design and Advanced Technology – University of Glamorgan – United Kingdom. Thesis: ”The Use of Air Assisted Atomised Water Spray Systems for Controlled Cooling of High Temperature Forgings”. Supervision: Professor Jonh Ward and Doctor Roy Garwood.
- 1995 – B.Eng.Honours in Mechanical Engineering, School of Design and Advanced Technology – University of Glamorgan – United Kingdom, Second Upper Class Honours Degree (2:1). Sandwich Course, I Year Industrial Placement in Legrand, Limoges, France.
- Coordinator of the University of Aveiro Moulds & Plastics Technology Platform, since May 2013.
- Member of the Pool-Net Association, representing the University of Aveiro, since April 2013.
- Director of the Integrated Master’s Degree in Mechanical Engineering at the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Aveiro, from April 2012 to May 7, 2015.
- Member of the Board of Directors of the Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Aveiro, from April 2006 until April 2011.
Principal Lecturer of
- Moulds and Tools Design – Integrated Masters in Mechanical Engineering (5th optional subject)
- EcoDesign and Ecoefficiency – Integrated Masters in Mechanical Engineering (5th optional subject)
Assistant Lecturer
- Polymer Technology – Integrated Masters in Chemical Engineering (5th optional subject)
- Thermodynamics – Integrated Masters in Mechanical Engineering (2nd Year)
- Applied Thermodynamics – Integrated Masters in Mechanical Engineering (3nd Year)
- Heat Ventilation and Air Conditioning – Integrated Masters in Mechanical Engineering (4rd Year)
PTDC/EME-MFE/119572/2010 – Coordination
Towards the understanding of nanofluid multi-physics and its applications” (€87.120,00) de 01-03-2012 a 28-02-2015. (concedida a extensão por 6 meses, terminus a 31.08.2015)
PTDC/EME-TME/104178/2008 – Coordination
“RapidPRE-Rapid Prototyping by Reactive Extrusion: A New concept for rapid manufacturing process”, (€130.000,00) 01-04-2010 a 30-09-2013
PTDC/EME-TME/66227/2006 – Coordination
MicroMoulds-Development of nanodiamond coated micromoulds for thermoplastics injection moulding. (de 01-08-2007 a 31-01-2011).
POCI/EME/56040/2004 – Coordination
Melt processing multi-walled carbon nanotube/high density polyethylene (CNT/UHMWPE) for rthopaedic implants. (de 01-01-2005 a 30-06-2008).
Quickquote” – SIME I&DT; Programa PRIME, financiado pela Agência de Inovação; Entidades Associadas: CADFLOW – Optimização, Reengenharia e Comercialização de Hardware e Software, Lda, Instituto Politécnico de Leiria, Departamento de Engenharia da Universidade de Aveiro (Project total budjet €532.928,00 , UA – €83.124,80), 2009-2011. (Coordination)
“HELIFIX – Desenvolvimento de Acessórios para Tubo PEX Multi-Camada” – SIME I&DT; Programa PRIME, financiado pela Agência de Inovação; Entidades Associadas: Universidade de Aveiro; Heliroma Plásticos, Lda, 2006-2008. (Coordination)
Lamas, B; Oliveira, MSA; Martins, N; “Long-term nanofluids for heat transfer intensification: Nanofluids development and characterization”, Scholars Press, Release date: March 14, 2014 | ISBN-10: 3639711505 | ISBN-13: 978-3639711509.
Articles in International Journals
Lamas, B; Abreu, B; Fonseca, M ; Martins, N; Oliveira, MSA; “Critical analysis of the thermal conductivity models for CNT based nanofluids“, International Journal of Thermal Sciences 78:65 (2014).
Abreu, B; Lamas, B; Fonseca, M; Martins, N; Oliveira, MSA; “Experimental characterization of convective heat transfer with MWCNT based nanofluids under laminar flow conditions “Heat and Mass Transfer, Volume 50, Issue 1, pp 65-74 (2014) .
Lamas, B; Abreu, B; Fonseca, M ; Martins, N; Oliveira, MSA; “Long Term MWCNTs Nanofluids Towards Heat Transfer Capability Improvement“, The Journal of Physical Chemistry Part C: Energy Conversion and Storage, Optical and Electronic Devices, Interfaces, Nanomaterials, and Hard Matter, C: Physical Processes in Nanomaterials and Nanostructures, | J. Phys. Chem. C, , 117 (24), (2013) .
Lamas, B; Abreu, B; Fonseca, M ; Martins, N; Oliveira, MSA; “Numerical analysis of percolation formation in carbon nanotube based nanofluids“, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, (2013); 95: 257–270.
Guedes, RM; Pereira, CMC; Fonseca, A; Oliveira, MSA; “The effect of carbon nanotubes on viscoelastic behaviour of biomedical grade ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene”, Composite Structures 105 (2013) 263–268.
Ferreira, AGN; Simões, PN; Ferreira, AF; Fonseca, MA; Oliveira, MSA, Trino, A; “Transport and Thermal Properties of Quaternary Phosphonium Ionic Liquids and IoNanofluids”, J. Chem. Thermodynamics 64 (2013) 80–92.
Zhil’tsova, T; Oliveira, MSA; Ferreira, JA; Vasco, JC; Pouzada, AS and Pontes, AJ; “Polymer flow dynamics in microimpressions: an experimental approach”, Polymer Testing , Volume 32, Issue 3, (2013), Pages 567–574.
Fonseca, MA; Abreu, B; Gonçalves, FAMM; Ferreira, AGM; Moreira, RAS and Oliveira, MSA; “Shape memory polyurethanes reinforced with carbon nanotubes”, Composite Structures, Volume 99, (2013), Pages 105-111, ISSN 0263-8223.
Zhil’tsova, T; Oliveira, MSA; Vasco, JC; Pouzada, AS and Pontes, AJ; “Influence of Mesh Discretization on the Prediction of Polymer Flow Behaviour in Microcavities”, Materials Science Forum Vols. 730-732 (2013), 525-530.
Lamas, B; Abreu, B; Fonseca, A; Martins, N; Oliveira, MAS; “Breaching CNT nanofluids termal conductivity modelling uncertainties” THERMAM 2014 – Thermophysical and Mechanical Properties of Advanced Materials, 3rd Rostocker Symposium on Thermophysical Properties for Technical Thermodynamics, 12-15 June 2014, Izmir, Turkey.
Fonseca, A; Silva, B; Lamas, B; Costa, LC; Graça, MP; Moreira, RAS; and Oliveira, MSA; “A dielectric characterization of conducting polyurethanes reinforced with carbon nanotubes for active control application “, Euro Intelligent Materials proceedings, Kiel (Germany), 25th to 27th September 2013.
Zhil’tsova, TV; Oliveira, MSA; Ferreira, JA; Vasco, JC; Pouzada, AS; Pontes, AJ; “Effect of the micromolding process conditions on polymer flow behavior within a variable thickness microcavity”, 5th International Conference PMI2012, Ghent, Belgium, 12 to 14 September 2012.
Neto, VF, Zhil’tsova, TV; Oliveira, MSA; Ferreira, JA; Grácio, Vasco, JC; Pouzada, AS; Pontes, AJ; “Advanced coating systems towards the analysis of polymer flow within microcavities”, PMI 2012 – 5nd International Conference on Polymers & Moulds Innovations, Ghent, Belgium, 12 to 14 September 2012.
Fonseca, A; Gonçalves, FAMM; Ferreira, AGM; Moreira, RAS; Oliveira, MSA and Simões, JAO “Shape memory polyurethane reinforced with carbon nanotubes: synthesis and characterization”, Mechanics of Nano, Micro and Macro Composite Structures, Politecnico di Torino, 18-20 June 2012.